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Quarantine Day 3 – Download E-Books for free from NYPL

On my third day on my quarantine, I woke up very late and sad. Today, six months ago, my father passed away. It’s always going to be the worst and saddest day of my life.

I confess that it’s terrifying to read the news and since last night I feel I have some breathing issues and my chest hurts. It can be my mind being just paranoid from all the news, but so far, it’s not a happy day for me here.

I would love to share with you how to download over 300.000 books for free, from the New York Public Library.

If you love to read, click HERE to have access to these amazing books!

As of now, according to the news, there are 32.000+ confirmed cases and 400 deaths in United States.

I’m taking one hour every night to practice meditation and pray for everything that is going on, specially to the families who lost their loved ones with this pandemic.

Stay home, keep safe! xxx