
Quarentine Day 9 – keeping busy and positive

Hey friends,
How are you keeping with all that’s happening? 
I have to say that the last 4 days I was so anxious and afraid of all this. I started to panic about everything that’s happening to people who got infected, thinking about their families, wondering what if it happens to me and my family… and I was letting the fear control me. 
I wanted to share what is helping me now. I read a lot about how important is to work on my imune system and mental health to fight this virus.
The primary symptom of a weak immune system is susceptibility to infection. A person with a weak immune system is likely to get infections more frequently than most other people, and these illnesses might be more severe or harder to treat. 
That made me stop going on the way.
I was trying so hard to get out of bed, write for the blog, find interesting content to share here with you, but the last days I couldn’t find motivation or energy for any of that.
So, after reading and listening some people who inspire me, I realized how important is for me to work on my mental health as well. What we think we create, and I was creating fear and despair for me. No only what I speak or think, but what I feel is important to create my reality. I don’t want to send this message to the universe. I won’t create this reality for me anymore. 
It’s been very hard for me to find motivation, to learn something new with all that is happening. So, I decided to look for things that I love to do while out of work, in order to keep my mind occupied. I signed up for some online courses and I’ve been busy with that. I have a journal on my blog (in case you wanna share what you’re doing these days, you can comment on my blog). I also went back to write on the Story of my Life, a book I bought months ago to help me remind how important was to set goals in my life. That is making me realize how much I have accomplished along the years and how important is to write down and plan my goals. 
I’m sure that we will be back to our lives sooner than we think. I hope you are also trying to keep sane and having faith that we will get through this! If we all send positive energy to the universe, we will be free very soon! xxx

As of now, we have over 123.750 positive cases in United States and 2.227 deaths. As fas as New Jersey, we have over 928 positive cases and 32 deaths.

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