
Quarantine Day 14 – Daily Routine

This was supposed to be the end of my quarantine. I wrote on my blog about @busytoddler sharing her Daily Routine on my first day of isolation. 
I didn’t think I’d need a Daily Routine schedule for myself, but I do. I made one for myself to try to keep busy and calm during these hard days. 

I was really hoping to end my Quarantine Quotes today,as it should be the end of my isolation. Unfortunately, we will have to hang in there for longer. But we can do this!! 🙏And if you don’t feel as productive at home as you thought you would, it’s fine too.

Everyone has their own way of dealing with all this. I’m extremely anxious and that’s why following a Daily Schedule helps me. To cross my daily goals every night on my list gives me a good feeling. Of course, I don’t accomplish everything I write down in the morning, but I’m doing my best to keep sane, hoping this is all going to end very soon. The schedule is helping me to keep strong and take advantage of this time off to do things I always wanted to do, whether it is in my house, or online, but I never had the time before. 

The point is, If you have kids in the house and you feel lost on or out of ideas on what to do with your Kidd’s, you should check @busytoddler ig! She’s amazing and she will guide you on how to survive these days homeschooling and being a Stay Home Mom. 

As of today, we have 245.193 confirmed cases in United States, 10.403 recovered cases and 6.088 deaths. As fas as New Jersey, we have more than 24.000 cases right now.

I keep praying so much for all this to end. xxx