• Coronavirus

    Quarantine Day 8 – Keeping anxiety down

    Today it’s being the worse day for me on this quarantine so far. I really had a hard time to keep motivated and positive. I started this habit of not watching the news until noon, which is helping a lot! I wake up, make my breakfast and start my lessons online. I’m taking three online courses to keep me busy, so that’s three hours of my day that I totally ignore what’s going on in the world and pretend that I’m on vacation taking online lessons for personal improvement. Of course when I finish my lessons and I turn the tv on or read social media I panic. I started…

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  • Coronavirus

    Quarantine Day 7 – Hoping for better days

    Today I dedicate my entire day to study. I’m taking three online courses and I focused on that and on cleaning the house. I avoided to watch the news and looking on social media since yesterday. Until I realized how hard the situation has been in United States, in my State, and in my town with the rapidly increase of confirmed cases with coronavirus. One of our family members passed away 5 days ago and her family is suffering so much while waiting for the test results. They can’t bury her until they are aware if she had the coronavirus or not. I’m so sorry for their loss and I…

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    Quarentena dia 6 – Curso de Inglês Online Grátis com Diploma Internacional

    Eu tenho recebido perguntas esses dias sobre como aprender e / ou praticar inglês durante essa quarentena. Após uma pequena pesquisa, descobri um curso de Inglês on-line (duração de 4 Semanas) para compartilhar com vocês! Esse curso é super recomendado aqui fora e eu mesma vou começar a fazer hoje! Ele tem quatro semanas de duração e fornece um Diploma no final do curso, está no Nível 5 do EQF (Quadro Europeu de Qualificações) e possui mais de 512.000 estudantes que concluiram o curso sucesso e deixaram depoimento lá no site do curso. O curso é 100% on-line e custa U$69.99 por mês, mas está disponível gratuitamente hoje! Portanto, não…

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  • Coronavirus

    Quarantine Day 6 – 4 Week Free Online English Course

    I’ve been receiving questions about how people can learn and/or practice English during this quarantine. So, after a little research, I found out a – 4 Week Free Online English Course – to share with you guys! It’s highly recommended and I’m going to start this course myself today! It provides a Diploma at the end of the course and considered Level 5 on EQF (European Qualifications Framework). It also has over 512.000 successful students giving their positive feedback on the course page. This amazing Online English Course is now available for free, but usually is $69.99 a month. So, hurry up, this offer is for a limited time! There’s…

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  • Coronavirus

    Quarantine Day 5 – Virtual Tour on 2.500 famous Museums from Home

    Trying to make things more exciting here, I searched about what I could do from home that would give me the feeling of traveling around the world again. I found out that Google has recently launched a new service that allow us to do a virtual tour on 2,500 world-renowned museums and galleries right from our couch. Every time I travel, I try to visit some museums and searching about the museums in NYC, I found this great tip on @nybucketlist! If you want to join me on the adventure of the day, click HERE and visit your favorite museums from home! As of now, in the United States, we…

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  • Teaching Toddler,  Uncategorized

    Quarentine Day 4 – Kids Schedule for home schooling

    This is my daily routine taking care of my Toddlers and it’s where I should be today! ❤️ I miss them so much already. Just like millions of people, I’m in quarantine and what am I gonna do to keep my sanity? Those kids kept me so busy the last years that now I really don’t know how to live without them. I still think on their schedule and I know right now is time to make sure they have a clean diaper, wash hands, drink water, and Bon Appetit, you may eat! 🥗🍴🧃 👶🏻 I know my little friends are having so much fun with their parents at home…

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    Quarentena Dia 3 – 300.000 Livros Grátis para Download da Biblioteca de Nova York

    No meu terceiro dia de quarentena, acordei tarde e bem triste. Hoje, seis meses atrás, meu pai faleceu, o pior e mais triste dia da minha vida. Confesso que é aterrorizante ler as notícias e desde a noite passada sinto falta de ar e meu peito está doendo. Pode ser minha mente paranóica com todas as notícias, mas até agora, não é um dia feliz para mim aqui. Gostaria de compartilhar com você como baixar mais de 300.000 livros gratuitamente, da Biblioteca Pública de Nova York. Se você gosta de ler, clique AQUI para ter acesso a esses livros incríveis! Até agora, segundo as notícias, existem mais de 32.000 casos…

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  • Coronavirus,  Uncategorized

    Quarantine Day 3 – Download E-Books for free from NYPL

    On my third day on my quarantine, I woke up very late and sad. Today, six months ago, my father passed away. It’s always going to be the worst and saddest day of my life. I confess that it’s terrifying to read the news and since last night I feel I have some breathing issues and my chest hurts. It can be my mind being just paranoid from all the news, but so far, it’s not a happy day for me here. I would love to share with you how to download over 300.000 books for free, from the New York Public Library. If you love to read, click HERE to have…

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  • Uncategorized

    Coronavírus: Quarentena Dia 2

    Hoje acordei disposto a levantar da cama e encontrar o maior número possível de cursos e atividades para ajudar os pais da minha escola e meus seguidores a se divertirem um pouco durante esse período difícil. Passei o dia lendo e procurando cursos on-line para sugerir para vocês a partir de amanhã e passei também muito tempo conversando com minha família e amigos. Também dei algumas dicas sobre os produtos que uso na minha rotina de cuidados com a pele lá no meu INSTAGRAM e deixei as histórias, caso alguém queira dar uma olhada. Eu sinceramente não queria verificar o número de casos e mortes confirmados, pois estou sentindo uma…

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  • Coronavirus

    Coronavirus – Quarantine Day 2

    Today I woke up willing to get out of bed and find out as many courses and activities as possible to help parents from my school and my followers, to have a little fun during this difficult time. I spent the day reading and looking for online courses to suggest to you starting tomorrow, and I spend time talking to my family and friends. I gave some tips on products I use for my skincare routine on my INSTAGRAM and I left on stories, in case anyone wants to check it out. I honestly didn’t want to check the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths for most part of the…

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